Yes that is an idea we've had before and of course it can be added provided somebody puts in some effort to do it. There are other things that probably...
Sorry to contradict you but $" is defined on line 102 in utilities.fth for use in interpretation mode. It was introduced purely to avoid use of S" in that mode....
Thanks for the suggestions Steve, to collect together the list in no particular order: - Specify which tests to carry out - Blocks, block numbers to be used in the...
Good idea. We need to define what characteristics could be reported. Number ranges are obvious as are bits/cell and au's/char. We could report results from environment queries which are otherwise...
I deliberately didn't include words marked obsolescent in the original test programs as I hadn't included them in my system. Nobody complained. In Forth 2012 [COMPILE] was designated obsolescent so...
Issue #18 suggests another item that could be reported, the behaviour of ALIGN and ALIGNED.
Thanks for handling this issue Steve. A long time since we've communicated I hope all is well with you. Regarding the specification of BLOCK and Forth 2012. The Forth 2012...
> Gerry: Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve differences in interpretation of the language standard? Is there anyone who we can ask for a definitive answer? Perhaps...
I wrote the previous message months ago and forgot about it. As GForth has defined interpretation semantics for all words that don't have defined interpretation semantics I've changed the test...
Well yes, it is testing for overlapping strings, including the case for SUBSTITUTE ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr2 u3 n ) where c-addr1 = caddr2 which is an...