Gerrit Holl

Results 120 comments of Gerrit Holl

If I add `mask=False` to the `resample_dataset` call, it fails with: ``` [INFO: 2022-01-28 10:54:20 : satpy.resample] Using default KDTree resampler /data/gholl/checkouts/pyresample/pyresample/ DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. See: xyz...

What is the status of this PR? Any chance of resolving the merge conflicts and looking at the remaining reviewer comments?

This also affects FCI: ```python import hdf5plugin import pathlib import os from satpy import Scene from glob import glob bd = pathlib.Path("/media/nas/x21308/MTG_test_data/2022_05_MTG_Testdata/RC0040/") sc = Scene(filenames=[os.fspath(f) for f in bd.glob("*BODY*.nc")],reader="fci_l1c_nc") sc.load(["vis_04",...

`dt` is ``. `dt.year`, `dt.month`, etc. are all `DataArray`. `["time"].attrs == {}`.

``` >>> print(["time"]) array(['2018-08-16T16:07:00.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]') Coordinates: * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2018-08-16T16:07:00 ``` I could compare with Python 3.9, but I should work on other things right now.

Resampling _from_ a `SwathDefinition` also fails — but not exactly in the same place: ```python from satpy.resample import resample_dataset from pyresample import create_area_def from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition import xarray as...

When resampling in the other direction, just making lons/lats be `xarray.DataArray` is not enough. They must also have dimensions `('y', 'x')` set explicitly. See #1997 for details.

This is what our VIIRS `night_microphysics` RGB looks like for an overpass 2022-01-10 00:59-01:15: ![Suomi-NPP-night_microphysics-dwd_germany_wgs84-20220110_0059-0115-geotiff-0](

Would the pre-commit checks find "old" problems or only new ones?

By expected, do you mean desirable, or "an expected bug" due to a limitation in the reader? When a method is called `available_dataset_ids` and its docstring states it returns "loadable...