
Results 140 issues of gerchicov-bp

``` /Users/gerchicov/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/HBRecorder-cmvlkzavsygfipfefmvrhwpcllvd/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ line 2: /Users/gerchicov/Documents/xcode-projects/HBRecorder/Example/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-HBRecorder_Example/ No such file or directory Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code ``

I need the opposite thing you have implemented - I want to access the next view controller by swipe but forbid to swipe to the previous one

It is not linked with tvOS at all!

iOS 13 added new `modalPresentationStyle` and by deafult it is not fullscreen anymore. You should set it before each `present` call otherwise you get various bugs with frames and gestures

Usually if code requires ARC then this code is marked with `-fobjc-arc` and may be called from everywhere. But it seems your library doesn't require ARC only - it requires...

First of all the project is enough old so xcode suggests to replace old tests with new ones. So maybe it can't do it automatically