Brent Gervais
Brent Gervais
comment from a [twitter post suggestion]( Idea 💡: add a flag or indication that an app/integration is in need of or looking for a maintainer(s). Can help find new maintainership,...
### Steps to reproduce 1. send a message with markdown formatting in the text body 2. preview that message in the left-bar, i.e. conversation list ### Expected behaviour Did not...
### Steps to reproduce 1. add markdown element to text body, specifically a [link]( 2. gets rendered in Talk web, Talk Desktop, but not Talk Android (iOS untested) ### Expected...
Download Ubuntu Core - link refers to Core 20 image. Core 22 available..  instructions suggest `Download the [Ubuntu Core 20 image for amd64](` However, there's a more recent version...
LUP 553 onward are missing from, Coder 561 onward aswell. Likely due to the recent RSS changes?
Menu item for Office Hours leads to `` not the expected `` Also, `` is `403 Forbidden`. Office Hours should have a nice landing page like and the menu...
related to #24
related to #24
Some show names containing `:` are truncated, likely over-aggressive grep-ing: - [ ] should likely check all other shows...
Show names in the menu are currently uncapitalized, i.e. sentence case. Some are also missing correct all-caps or hyphens.  Should be: - [ ] `Coder radio` -> Coder Radio...