Brent Gervais
Brent Gervais
Will investigate, thank you!
SSH > 118 also missing...
hmm, but still seems fine and json as expected..
It should also be noted that, if this feature is considered, the feature/strategy could be applied to ALL Nextcloud official apps listed on F-Droid.
update: This function does exist, however does not present itself when there is only a single account logged in. However, the move function IS present in the edit view when...
(still blown away by your detailed investigations, hypotheses and suggestions above. Really impressive and inspiring for other budding maintainers! Thank you for all you do! Even if us users aren't...
I was just searching for this function today without any luck. My use case: save a file from a conversation for long-term archiving. Rational for expecting it: Every other arguably...
If implemented, should consider also adding the functionality to the long-click menu: (related: #3276 ) 
An example of a privacy-conscious warning message in Signal when saving a photo to local storage: 
🎉 This is amazing, thank you all who made it possible!