Brandon Padgett

Results 18 issues of Brandon Padgett

PSES is properly running in a 64bit context, but when it passes a path to be opened in VSCode it is being redirected to the 32bit path. Example: ``` powershell...

Area-Extension Terminal

When you Unregister and Editor Command, it does not remove it from the list. If you try to run the command, nothing happens. This could be confusing to users. I...

Area-Extension Terminal

The way it is currently setup, it can be very difficult to determine what the Editor Command Names are that are loaded. The user is only shown the Display Name,...

Area-Extension Terminal

Eventually there is going to be a need to ignore certain Commands or Modules when PSES Registers Commands. Here are the ideas I have had. - Block all Registering from...


I was wondering if there would be a way to build in a sort of functionality to give $psEditor access to the visible editor screen coordinates? I think there are...


I think it would be beneficial if a a registered command had some form of visual for the user when loaded. That way when one is loaded they are aware...


When running the following command you get no results by default: ``` powershell $psEditor.Workspace.OpenFile($profile) ``` $profile outputs this ``` PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code Insiders $profile C:\Users\i2871rbp\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.VSCode_profile.ps1 ``` However,...


These would hopefully work similar to the ext commands. "command param" and then it auto populates intellisense autocomplete in the options. This would be something I would see as an...


I have found it difficult to find examples on how to properly attribute other's code when they have given permission to reuse. I think it would be nice to have...

Best Practices

In PowerShell v3, the ability to use Validation attributes on variables outside of parameters was added. It is mentioned here in the [New v3 Language Features]( Page. Here are a...

Best Practices