TaeSeong Park
TaeSeong Park
Does it work when you first sign up in your localhost? I mean when you first try to sign up, verifying email sent to your email address well? actually to...
for my case, the value of [webClientId](https://github.com/googlesamples/google-signin-unity/blob/master/GoogleSignInPlugin/Assets/SignInSample/SigninSampleScript.cs#L28) had empty space at the end of the endpoint 😅. after I remove the empty space, the error disappears.
I had same problem as yours, so as you described I put following fingerprints to the Firebase project SDK setup on Android - "App signing key certificate" SHA-1, SHA-256 fingerprint...
Actually I added `graphql-cli` package for people who doesn't have `graphql-cli` package on their computer. If those vulnerabilities still exist, I think `graphql-cli` package must be removed and notify people...