George Thomas

Results 7 issues of George Thomas

@chrisjenx After i attach Base context with Calligraphy wrapper in my MainActivity.. Like below, ``` @Override protected void attachBaseContext(Context newBase) { super.attachBaseContext(CalligraphyContextWrapper.wrap(newBase)); } ``` I am getting inflater = {CalligraphyLayoutInflater}...

while using placing fab it is hindering scroll.. I think a layout is placed to left and top of the fab which does not allow the scroll to work

@JoanZapata : Error:Error: Suspicious method call; should probably call "draw" rather than "onDraw" [WrongCall] I get error when ever i try to take a signed build, how to solve it.

After i ugrade to xamarin version 4.1, picker is crashing in iOS version 9.1. Issue is not reproducible with versions above 9.3. ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Make sure you...

t/bug :bug:
help wanted
p/iOS 🍎
e/3 :clock3:
iOS 9

Does this lib support SVG format

I used Magic Text view in the scroll view , but the scroll is getting slow on my device , like a stuck. Why is this happening

How can we use workmanager in xamairn forms 1. How to access the xamarin forms db from work manager 2. How to execute api call from workmanager [most of the...