George Oakling
George Oakling
test.proto: ``` message TestRequest { map filters = 1; } message TestResponse { } service TestSvc { rpc TestRpc(TestRequest) returns(TestResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/offers" }; } }...
Yep, working on it :)
Request to: `/test?filters[jirka]=test&filters[wow]=test2` And there I have log.Println, which prints: `filters: filters:` So yes, its getting data, but the protoc-swagger-gen ommit the definitions from request...
Also the code in the GRPC server looks like this to make everything clear: ``` func(s *Server) TestRpc(ctx context.Context, req *offers.TestRequest) (*offers.TestResponse, error){ log.Println(req) return &offers.TestResponse{}, nil } ```
I'll try, but not before next week... I "hacked" this by using POST request with full body request which works perfectly, but definitely will look at the source asap.
Hi guys, just letting you know my unofficial plugin is now available at v0.6.7 tag - Enjoy :) and hopefully one day we will have an official release :)
This is better than my PR Please, commit this :)