Dr George Atkinson

Results 67 comments of Dr George Atkinson

It's now currently possible to use events to focus the textbox and select all the text in the textbox. It's not yet possible to programatically change the caret position, other...

> I'll rebase again and check if everything's working correctly now (for this issue the other issues). Thank you :) I think many of the issues were fixed by various...

I don't know if it makes much difference in performance, but when I've needed to pass closures into bindings as you have here I've first wrapped them in `Rc` which...

Good idea for the `outline` style property, I'll go ahead and add that. I think the key used to trigger an action should be customizable and is dependent on the...

This is a very useful list of requirements, thank you. I think if we sort out keyboard navigation within lists then that can be used for both menus and dropdowns.

Okay , I've gone and split the action modifiers into `on_hover`/`on_hover_out`, `on_over`/`on_over_out`, and `on_focus`/`on_focus_out`. I'm still not sure about the names though. While working on this two other questions came...

Changed action modifiers to use a model now instead of wrapping views. So adding an action modifier like `on_press()` will add the callback to a model attached to the view...

> 1. I believe they should all share one model to reduce contention in the model type id -> model hash table One potential issue with having the one model...

With #246 merged I've now updated the action modifiers to sync better with the window events. The last one to potentially change is the `on_hover` and `on_hover_out` actions which don't...

There's 2 Data here. One is the derive macro and one is the actual trait. If you add `use vizia::prelude::*` to the top of the file and then just `#[derive(Data)]`...