
Results 10 issues of geohotstan

========== 282 failed, 541 passed, 1811 skipped, 2 warnings in 20.25s ========== ========== 265 failed, 558 passed, 1811 skipped, 2 warnings in 19.62s ========== for ArrayFeatureExtractor, I modified the original...

Needed Tensor.ceil() in some onnx tests but encountered problems. `In [33]: Tensor([1.0, 2.0, 1.1]).ceil().numpy()` `Out[33]: array([2., 3., 2.], dtype=float32)` I'm not sure if this is expected behavior. 😟

Failing tests (53): Todo: - get to 0 failing - clean up code (lots of clean up) - write better implementations for ops (Slice, gather, resize, pad, ...) and...

bounty locked

while investigating issue #1013 I tried `ctrl + c` to start serializing for a deserialize run, but `Team.serialize` was not being triggered. the traceback looks something like ``` ... File...

**Features** - fixes #1016 - I think moving `process_message` into `BaseLLM` is better since `process_message` is only used in the context of LLM use. **Feature Docs** **Influence** **Result** - This...

this was pulled from my setitem attempt. basically while doing setitem I found out we could reduce multiple dims at once and that reduces kernel count (lol didn't know that...

Seeing if this format is acceptable If this is mergable, I'll do observation_serialization too :D

There are a bunch of rough edges here I haven't ironed out, but here's a POC. I wrote a bunch of hacks just to get it working. I've tried doing...