
Results 6 comments of geoffreytools

Sadly, my screenshot was not the most minimal example and I noticed other instances where it looks really off. The last line looks OK but every other case has kerning...

I do this kind of stuff all the time: ```js test('detect when the player has won', t => [ { player: 'scissors', computer: 'paper' }, { player: 'paper', computer: 'rock'...

I often have the opposite problem and would prefer to read `{ [K in keyof Person]: never }` or even `{ age: never, name: never }` over `Mapped` because those...

Hi matthew-dean, Thanks a lot for your feedback. Despite my best efforts I was indeed a bit expeditious in some places and I am relatively blind to what needs to...

Regarding your use case, I am not certain free-types are necessary. Could you be more precise or link to a stackoverflow question?

People have weird expectations regarding HKT and it is not clear what you need to do, so I am testing the water ;) You can find bellow an example derived...