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SW4 (Seismic Waves, 4th order) implements substantial capabilities for 3-D seismic modeling, with a free surface condition on the top boundary, absorbing super-grid conditions on the far-field boundar...
The number of time steps is 690.  I used rec command with writeEvery=2 option like below. `rec x=3.0e3 y=3.0e3 z=0 file=x3p0_y3p0 sta=x3p0_y3p0 variables=displacement...
Hello! I'm working on simulating the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake using SW4. I've built an SRF version 2.0 file with four fault segments from a published inversion model of the earthquake...
Hi I managed to install sw4 using make successfully ``'-.,_,.-'``'-.,_,.='``'-.,_,.-'``'-.,_,.='````'-.,_,.-'``'-.,_,.='`` _________ ____ __ ____ _ __ / ____ \ \ \ / \ / / / | | | |...
Hey, I'm Steven. I'm trying to install SW4 with the Spack package, but, I have an error: Installing proj-9.2.1-bm6yr6nwfixwn6j2rhltmfgvucqnafmt [67/72] ==> No binary for proj-9.2.1-bm6yr6nwfixwn6j2rhltmfgvucqnafmt found: installing from source ==>...
We just installed SW4-3.0 (using Proj 9.3) on a new computer system, and I'm running into a problem using my old SW4 input files. The problem seems to be related...
We are encouraging our software communities to rename their default branch to main for inclusivity. e.g. see: https://github.com/github/renaming
it's clear that only a 3D model can be built in sw4. however, I still want to make a 2D wave field in such a 3D model. is there any...
Quartz has removed and added new modules for mkl, fftw, and hdf5. This new config file successfully built sw4 on quartz. The quartz.fftw config file was removed since the option...
Hi, Can we define a region below z=0 in sw4 with extremely small rho, vp, and vs? I want to simulate a situation with an underground cavity. For example, I...
Hi, given the calculation efficiency of SW4 and its ability to consider the ground layers and topography in a relatively huge region, it's a powerful and useful tool to simulate...