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SW4 (Seismic Waves, 4th order) implements substantial capabilities for 3-D seismic modeling, with a free surface condition on the top boundary, absorbing super-grid conditions on the far-field boundar...
SW4 - Seismic Waves, 4th order accuracy
More information
Please see the Users Guide for more information regarding the use of SW4.
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Cite Code As
Petersson, N. Anders, Sjogreen, Bjorn, Tang, Houjun, & Pankajakshan, Ramesh. (2023, September 6). geodynamics/sw4: SW4, version 3.0. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8322590, url: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8322590
Primary References
Zhang, L.; Wang, S.; and Petersson, N.A. (2021), Elastic Wave Propagation in Curvilinear Coordinates with Mesh Refinement Interfaces by a Fourth Order Finite Difference Method, SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 43(2) pp. A1472-A1496. doi:10.1137/20M1339702
Petersson, N.A.; Sjögreen, B. (2015), Wave propagation in anisotropic elastic materials and curvilinear coordinates using a summation-by-parts finite difference method, Journal of Computational Physics, 299, 820-841, doi: 10.1016/j.jcp.2015.07.023, url: http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0021999115004684
Petersson, N.A.; Sjögreen, B. (2012), Stable and efficient modeling of anelastic attenuation in seismic wave propagation, Communications in Computational Physics, 12 (01), 193-225. doi:10.4208/cicp.201010.090611a
Sjögreen, B.; Petersson, N.A. (2012), A Fourth Order Accurate Finite Difference Scheme for the Elastic Wave Equation in Second Order Formulation, Journal of Scientific Computing, 52 (1), 17-48, doi: 10.1007/s10915-011-9531-1, url: http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10915-011-9531-1
User's Guide
Petersson, N.A.; Sjögreen, B.; Tang, H. (2023), User's Guide to SW4, version 3.0, LLNL-SM-741439
- LICENCE.txt - GNU General Public Licence version 2
- INSTALL.txt - Information on how to build SW4
- README.txt - This file!
- wave.txt - Text file containing the "SW4 Lives" banner
- Makefile - Main makefile
- configs/ - Directory containing configuration files for "make"
- src/ - C++ and Fortran source code for SW4
- tools/ - Matlab/Octave scripts for post processing and analysis of results
- examples/ - Sample SW4 input files
- optimize/ - Directory for object files and the optimized SW4 executable
- debug/ - Directory for object files and a SW4 executable with debug symbols
SW4 is published under GPL v2 or newer.