George Antoniadis

Results 44 comments of George Antoniadis

@dominikbraun would have been nice if I had actually pushed the code I was talking about. Pushed now, you should be able to check it out. I've also added a...

Hey @dominikbraun, just came back from vacation and I was picking this up again when I bumped into #25. I might wait until the dust has settled on that one...

@dominikbraun I assume that the plan for #25 is that all other graph methods will be using the new API right? In that case this PR will only have to...

That sounds like a really nice separation!! Can I take this opportunity to raise a couple of small points that seemed a bit weird when I first saw the graph...

@dominikbraun prefixing the `Add` ones and keeping the getters without a verb sounds like a good solution! Doesn't look half bad. ```go type Graph[K comparable, T any] interface { Traits()...

Started playing around with OPS earlier today and having this issue as well. I'm on a m1 with MacOS 12.1, just installed OPS via `curl -sSfL | sh`. ```...

@eyberg thank you, building my binary with CGO disabled doesn't result in an error.

I'd be interested in using topics to create some form of smart tags or filters. ie. My astral tag `kubernetes` could include topics that match any of: * `kubernetes*` (because...

Hey @hassy, thank you for a very quick response. * Case 2 with `WORKERS=1` opens 1 instance of chome. * Case 3 with `WORKERS=1` opens 5 instances of chrome. *...

@superfell thanks for a very quick response. I see the issue with the proto generation but you should be able to decouple developing for the package from using the package....