Georgio Kolesnikov
Georgio Kolesnikov
I had in mind the lack of text with height on some contours even at maximum zoom. I looked at your examples and looked again at some parts of the...
``` control1 = L.Control.fileLayerLoad({ fitBounds: true, layerOptions: { onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindTooltip(, { permanent: true }) }, // style: style, pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) { label = String(;...
you can access json fields like this ``` { "condition": "OR", "rules": [ { "id": "firstname", "field": "fields->first_name", "type": "string", "input": "text", "operator": "equal", "value": "hhh" }, { "id": "tel",...
use it ``` $table = \DB::table('clients'); $table->select(\DB::raw($request_fields)); $table->leftjoin('companies', 'clients.company_id', ''); $table->leftjoin('statuses', 'clients.status_id', ''); $table->where('clients.project_id', '=', $settings['project_id']); $table->where(function ($query) use($condition){ $qbp = new QueryBuilderParser(); $query = $qbp->parse($condition, $query); }); $clients=$table->get(); ```