Gennaro Tedesco

Results 80 comments of Gennaro Tedesco

I am also observing the same problem on macOS Catalina with Spectacle, using Zathura version 0.4.5.

> @drselump14 this sounds very promising. Could someone help me, how I could apply this patch? Same here, it is unclear what is the accepted solution for this issue (re-installing...

I too am seeing the same problems as above on MacOs Big Sur version 11.1. The `master` branch works fine (however with no windows tiling), whereas the `develop` branch generates...

I confirm it works, thank you for the fix! Two of my favourite things in the world now: Zathura and tiling window managers 😄 !

I am getting the same error on a macOS 12.1.0 Monterey: likewise, uptime and memory are left black. It is probably due to [this path]( and [this path]( not being...

Awesome, can't wait to try it out!

You are completely right, I overlooked it. These days I am away from the computer but I will propose an alternative as I am back (a practical solution could be...

Good evening and thank you for raising this issue. I am using `goreleaser` to produce architectures executables, I will have a look to see if android is supported!

I am having troubles running builds for android with `goreleaser`: I have opened [an issue]( that describes the problem I am having, meanwhile.

Good morning and thank you for reporting. Before digging into it could you please check whether your problem is similar to [this other issue]( In a nutshell the navigation keys...