
Results 14 issues of genifycom

How would we do something like That is, send an HTML Webpage URL to the chromecast device to have it load and display the webpage? Also, how do we...

The statement var pima = new Accord.DataSets.PimaIndiansDiabetes(); no longer works because has been taken down.

1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.301\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor\build\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor.StaticWebAssets.targets(208,5): error : The static web asset 'C:\Dev\Projects\CarChecker-master\CarChecker-master\Client\wwwroot\favicon.ico' has a conflicting web root path '/wwwroot/favicon.ico' with the project file 'wwwroot\favicon.ico'.

I am looking for Kernel32 OutputDebugString. How do we extend this library to provide this very useful function?

I love the idea of the Blazor Hybrid and am actively trying it out. The current preview is in two separate projects. A .NET Standard Library project that does all...

I notice that css files specifically for one razor component are not currently supported. Is this a possibility? Thanks


My goal is to allow DotNet SignalR client and server to communicate via the AWS WebSockets API. This would allow us to use Blazor server-side components in an AWS Lambda...


Currently the AWS Publish to Lambda function creates a REST API Gateway resource which makes it difficult to attach the generated Lambda Application to an HTTP API Gateway. ## Describe...


I am attempting to move a Windows only .Net Core 3.1 application to .Net Core 6.0 In there I am using this statement: ```c# using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher($"SELECT...

A simple scan request in Blazor Webassembly .Net 8 gets an exception. The identical code works in .Net 6 Core. ``` public static async Task ScanRequest() { IAmazonDynamoDB _ddbClient =...
