After executing this statement 'calcdvh = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtstructFile, rtdoseFile, key)',how to get the value of 'D0.5cc'?
Why is the name of the pre-training model of' ImageNet Pretrained' is ' densenet161_weights_tf.h5'?
Is the' model_best.hdf5' you shared generated by train_2ddense?
in train_2ddense.py, in the code ' steps = 27386 / args.b', How do I get the number 27386
Could you share the 3Dircadb data set? official website link is too slow
Could you tell me about Where is the training code for 2D coarse segmentation ResNet network
hello,I would like to ask, where is the code for slicing 3D volumes to 2d slices, thank you
about 'np.where(livertumor == 2)' in preprocessing.py, What does ‘livertumor == 2‘ mean?
What are the functions of generate_livertxt, generate_tumortxt and generate_txt in preprocessing.py respectively
What is the purpose of the 359 lines of code "input_concat" in operations.py, I don't think you use it.