genevera (she/her)

Results 22 comments of genevera (she/her)

@streamnsight You may want to try the [sshguard.service]( file in my fork. It works for me on CoreOS 1053.2.0.

Can this get fixed? It's like 2 years old :(

bump since this was modified after approval. i'd really like this change merged:). @Frichetten ping?

This is still an issue

Pinging as I have a similar problem. corectl and sshuttle also don't get along so well.

@vitaly and @AntonioMeireles maybe pfctl needs to be called with -E, the token stored somewhere, then torn down with -X + that token? That looks like that might solve this...

@koekeishiya I did and I see mach_loader has replaced mach_bootstrap but now I get an error with no other output. I'm happy to post the system log output if that...

Running it native on OS X 10.11.6 and it's doing the same thing. Just churning away seemingly forever picking up RI prices. Is there a way to limit that by...

Maybe using sox to shuttle the sound between devices will work better?