Hello, When I generate a BallReactor at 360 degrees rotation angle, the DAGMC export does not appear to work. I'm getting an error code on meshing (with default parameters or...
I am using the following code to generate a paramak shell geometry, though the issue also happens with cylinders (paramak.CenterColumnShieldCylinder). ``` R = 5 t2 = 2 t3 = 3...
I want to cut one shape with another, but run into an error. ``` vol1 = paramak.RotateCircleShape(a1,points=[(R,0,0,"straight")] vol2 = paramak.RotateCircleShape(a1+a2,points=[(R,0,0,"straight")] vol3 = paramak.utils.cut_solid(vol2,vol1) ``` The error is as follows: ```...
The documentation for [RotateCircularShape] does not give information on how to change the "major radius" of the rotation, seemingly only the minor radius. There is no example in the list...
In the [API reference](), the CircularPort class is shown as: ``` class CircularPort(inner_radius=30, distance=20, wall_thickness=2, flange_overhang=10, flange_thickness=5, flange_gap=0, blank_flange_thickness=5, workplane='ZY', rotation_axis='Z', extrusion_start_offset=100, center_point=(0, 0), name='circular_port_cutter', color=(0.984, 0.603, 0.6), rotation_angle=360, **kwargs)...