
Results 4 issues of 艮北

Hello, it's my first time to use this tool. What are the formats of these two files:< ref_file > < hyp_file > I want to calculate the ter values of...

I have processed the data according to the data format you said,Here are my running scripts and errors `python code/augment.py --input=train_50w.en --output=train_50w._augmented.txt --num_aug=1 --alpha_sr=0.05 --alpha_rd=0.05 --alpha_ri=0 --alpha_rs=0.05` > Traceback (most...

I see your script is `python code/augment.py --input=train.txt --output=train_augmented.txt --num_aug=16 --alpha=0.05` to share an alpha value. But I want to set different alpha. What should I do `alpha_sr=alpha, alpha_ri=alpha, alpha_rs=alpha,...

I encountered this problem in training. It may be that there is something wrong with the code, but I can't correct it. I didn't succeed in referring to the online...