Samuel Gélineau

Results 257 comments of Samuel Gélineau

All right, I finally have something to show! On my [always-split]( branch, I have a version of Termonad in which every tab is split into two panes. I currently have...

> Definitely feel free to open a PR with what you currently have (or a draft PR if that makes more sense). Ah, I forgot about draft PRs! Good idea,...

Nice, _users_! Any customizations related to split panes you would like to see supported? Any suggestion for which keybindings should be used to split horizontally, split vertically, and to move...

> personally I think ctrl-h and ctrl-v are good keybinding to split panels horizontally and vertically; maybe a ctrl-shift modifier? so it does not conflict with anything else. ctrl-v conflicts...

Speaking of bugs in the Haskell library which also affect Matryoshka: your `ghisto` implementation seems to have the same bug as ours did: Thankfully, fixing that bug is _much_...

Note that [_adr_title]( currently assumes that the first line of the file has the form `# TITLE`. Thus, given the template ``` ## Status STATUS ## Next section ``` Running...

My condolences. > like working caching Can you explain the "fall back when the freeze plan is different" bit? does it mean that if the freeze file is different from...

That doesn't ring a bell, no, but googling found a few hits: They're both in the doctest project, which makes sense because doctest is a wrapper around the...

Since [the documentation for the `-xm` flag]( mentioned by the error message says that it's for fixing OS-specific bugs, could you please share your OS version and system architecture? It...

"Could not load module Data.ByteString, it is a member of the hidden package bytestring-" sounds a lot like #128! That symptom should be pretty consistent though, you're saying it disappears...