Samuel Gélineau

Results 257 comments of Samuel Gélineau

I made some progress, but I now think I have to start over. By continuing to comment out more and more code, I have reduced the example program to one...

The amount of memory leaked each loop goes up when I add a bunch of redundant `id` calls to the phantom file, but it does not (in fact it even...

Hmm, it also goes up when I make the module smaller; that pretty much invalidates my hypothesis. I think the longer and shorter modules are probably both invalid Haskell, my...

The monoidal version of the problem is harder than the premonoidal version, so it is I who has the most to learn from this conversation :) In particular, while I...

Taking a closer look at this branch, it looks to me like you don't support [atoms]( at all, only the structural bits such as the associators, unit-introduction, and unit elimination?...

> Maybe it's worth defining Free Monoidal Categories in a separate PR. Where is your definition of a Free Monoidal Category? I'd be curious to see how yours compares to...

Happy to help! I would also like to point out that School of Haskell had interactive Haskell snippets and [has been open-sourced](, so it might be easier to reuse that...

I need more information. 1. What does "link support" mean, is this music lingo or do you mean linking in the sense of `ld` and `.so`/`.dll` files? 2. Would it...

> note that running the same line of code in a ghci session works fine. Do you start your ghci session in a way which also causes those `hint-try: ...`...

Let's take a closer look at the error messages. The `hint-try: ...` messages complain about the following symbols: 1. `_ZN4asio6detail15keyword_tss_ptrINS0_10call_stackINS0_14thread_contextENS0_16thread_info_baseEE7contextEE6value_E` 2. `abl_link_create_session_state` 3. `tidalzm1zi9zi2zm54c2e1be48d3c91b38aa9169eaa072a94363b15bbbc85dac3185686222ca970e_SoundziTidalziStream_Target_con_info` 4. `tidalzm1zi9zi2zm54c2e1be48d3c91b38aa9169eaa072a94363b15bbbc85dac3185686222ca970e_SoundziTidalziStream_Target_static_info` The shape of these...