Hi t413! I'm also experiencing problems in merging an android with an iOS 6 database. I'm using smstools v.0.1.2. The command line is: > python.exe C:\Python27\Scripts\smstools C:\smstools\iossms.db C:\smstools\androidsms.xml C:\smstools\out.db --type...
Alright! I was having an issue with FTS3 module. I've googled "no such module: fts3" and found that updating sqlite3.dll in python\dlls would have solved the problem. Done! Now no...
Thanks for your email. OK, let's go! Yes, my iphone is jailbroken. Next step? If you'd like to go on in private I might send you an email.
Ready! In iphone sms.db is stored in > /private/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Now I have an empty database and the one with 1 message in it. I'm going to send you an email...
Hi Tim! Thanks for your extraordinary effort. I'm sorry but I can't manage to download the new version of your tool. Into the commit page there's no "download as zip"...
Alright Tim! I've found out how to install the testing version of your tool. It was a bit difficult given my limited knowledge about GitHub. However I've tested it on...
Sorry Tim, but the output is: > `Traceback (most recent call last):` > `File "C:\python27\scripts\smstools", line 12, in ` > `parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version="%(prog)s "` > `+smstools.__version__)` > `AttributeError: 'module'...
OK Tim! Out.db successfully created. Testing in a few minutes... **`...`**
**Great!** It's almost perfect. Just two or three small bugs. - All messages are unread - Your tool has correctly converted 160 messages (in the command prompt) but only 137...
Hi Tim! I tested your last version of SMS-Tools. The output is > `install 'blessings' module for great terminal output color` > `165 messages read in 0 seconds from in.db...