I'm trying to follow the documentation regarding the use of OSS Vizier as a backend for PyGlove, but find it incomplete - shouldn't we need to create server and client...
Title is the issue. Attempting to do something like ``` fun.generate('/path/to/temp_source/my_fun.c') ``` Fails with ``` RuntimeError: .../casadi/core/code_generator.cpp:148: Assertion "Function::check_name(this->name)" failed: Notify the CasADi developers. ``` So I am notifying the...
When attempting to use the Importer class from Python by, e.g. ``` _f_imp = cas.Importer('solver.c', 'clang') ``` I am getting the error: ``` Error code: ./ cannot open shared object...
Not clear if this is supposed to be supported, but code generation with the "alpaqa" solver does not work for me. Getting: ``` WARNING("The function "solver", which is of type...