Glen Maddern

Results 26 issues of Glen Maddern

This is a convention I think makes a lot of sense for single page applications, when a URL doesn't match anything. - First check for `/200.html` and serve that with...

I have 3 environments, dev/staging/production, pointing to a different `API_HOST`: ```toml name = "myworker-dev" type = "javascript" [vars] API_HOST = '' [build] command = "yarn build" [build.upload] format = "modules"...

custom builds

If you try to use `--experimental-enable-local-persistence` now, you'll get this message: ``` ▲ [WARNING] --experimental-enable-local-persistence is deprecated. Use --persist in future (which will write to .wrangler/state) or --persist-to=./wrangler-local-state if you...

Making it possible to use the same `.sql` files to bootstrap your local `wrangler dev --local` as production.

Pretty surprised at the bundle size here, I'm seeing 1.5MB raw, 400k gzipped for a fresh clone and `wrangler build` of this repo. Is that just Apollo being enormous? For...

Hi there! I'm currently building React-snapshot as a drop in prerenderer for React apps out of create-react-app. I'm currently working on a more comprehensive API for async stuff (, and...

Where does autoprefixing fit into this? Should it be part of the library (like SC), or something that happens on this "standard" data format (i.e. directly before injection into the...

With this input: ```grapqhl input CreateUserInput { username: String! email: String! avatar: String posts_ref: [ID!]! } input UpdateUserInput { email: String avatar: String posts_ref: [ID!] } ``` I get this...

Maybe this is changed with the new RC, but I was wondering if it's possible to make fields getters instead of function calls? Atm I have this: ```ts query('', (t)...