Glen Maddern

Results 31 comments of Glen Maddern

I noticed that you're testing `node_modules/rxjs/src/internal/Observable.ts` for the benchmark, which is a 500-line, 20kb TS file. It feels like a natural extension to try building the whole `rxjs` project? Not...

Interested in hearing the latest on this. For my purposes, I'd love if we could set a transparent window to have _no_ click area. So you could have an always-on-top...

Yeah, I'd really like the breakpoints to be flexible/configurable. I'm not super clear on how we could do that. The only configurable project that springs to mind is Modernizr, which...

Would it be possible to publish a `snap.svg-commonjs.js` that left the require statements for _eve_ intact that webpack works with out of the box? Is that all that's needed?

I published [snapsvg-cjs]( so you can `npm install snapsvg-cjs` for use with webpack. Once this project works out of the box with webpack I'll deprecate my snapsvg-cjs

I wasn't aware wrangler could update the TOML at all? From my discussion about migrating the `dir` property: I > Note modifying wrangler.toml in particular is tricky without messing...

What kinds of changes are you considering, and how far away are they do you think? I needed `--persist-to` for the D1 branch, which we will want to merge sooner...

Talking offline with @mrbbot, the concern is that the internal persistence format might change in a future miniflare release, and so taking it out of "experimental" before then might be...

This looks like the same bug as what I just fixed with I've pushed a new `wrangler@d1` `v0.0.0-205f5496`, which uses `[email protected]` and `[email protected]`, can you try updating and let...

@Cyb3r-Jak3 I think the first error is actually related to not being tested on windows yet. I've raised to track it. But it sounds like the second case,...