Hi, On a different machine, when I try to compile,I get this error... ``` make[1]: *** [/tmp/nodec/node-v8.1.4/out/Release/obj.target/enclose_io_libsquash/deps/libsquash/sample/enclose_io_memfs. o] Error 1 rm 2bd47e96d6715d427749a9aecb9fbbcb47a76f14.intermediate Makefile:76: recipe for target 'node' failed make: ***...
Hi, I am trying out an ARM architecture cpu. Would node-compiler work in it? I tried running the x86 instructions but didnt work..it shows the following `./nodec: 1: ./nodec: Syntax...
This is what I see when I try to compile my js. Why is it saying no module named nodedownload? Please help.... ``` -> cd /tmp/nodec/node -> Running ["./configure "]...
Hi, HOw do I tell node-compiler to include subfolders in my project? Thanks.