Aditya Kumar Gupta
Aditya Kumar Gupta
- [x] Insertion Sort - [x] Selection Sort - [x] Bubble Sort - [x] Heap Sort - [x] Quick Sort - [x] Radix Sort - [x] Merge Sort - [...
Implementation of Graph Algorithms: Needs to be merged in java/graph_algorithms - [ ] A* (A star) - [ ] Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm - [ ] Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Adjacency...
- [X] Linear Search - [X] Binary Search - [ ] Bilinear Search (Improvised version of Linear Search) - [X] Breadth-First Search - [ ] Depth First Search - [x]...
### List of beginner to intermediate algorithms in Python: - [x] ~~Wiggle sort~~ - [x] ~~Tree sort~~ - [x] ~~Shell sort~~ - [x] ~~Tim sort~~ - [x] ~~Stooge sort~~ -...
Implementation of the following Graph Algorithms in Golang: - [x] Breadth-First Search - [x] Depth First Search - [x] Cycle Detection in DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) - [x] Prim's Algorithm...
Binary Tree
Implementation of the following in Cpp: - [x] AVL Tree - [x] ~~Binary Search Tree~~ - [x] ~~Binary Tree traversal~~ - [x] Recursive Binary Search Tree - [x] Lazy Segment...
Maths CPP
Implementation of the following in C++: - [x] Find volumes of various shapes (cube, cuboid, cone, right circular cone, prism, pyramid, sphere, circular cylinder) - [x] Zellers Congruence Algorithm -...
Implementation of the following Sorting Algorithms in GoLang: - [x] ~~Bubble Sort~~ - [ ] Heap Sort - [x] ~~Insertion Sort~~ - [ ] Merge Sort - [ ] Quick...
Implementation of the following: - [x] Naive Bayes - [x] Gaussian Naive Bayes - [x] Multinomial Naive Bayes - [ ] Averaged One-Dependence Estimators (AODE) - [ ] Bayesian Belief...
Implementation of the following CNN Architectures: - [x] LeNet5 - [x] AlexNet - [x] ~~VGG~~ - [x] ResNets - [ ] Inception - [ ] FCN - [ ] UNet...