Hannah Chartier

Results 9 issues of Hannah Chartier

I'm getting an infinite loop of directories e.g. `.couscous/generated/.couscous/generated/...`. Couscous also appears to be ignoring my excludes, e.g. `bower_components`. I tried both the %gitignore% and listing every directory/file and neither...

Currently using [webmozart/key-value-store](https://github.com/webmozart/key-value-store) and [webmozart/json](https://github.com/webmozart/json) to manage reads/writes to `crap.json`. We are currently locked to an older version of [composer/composer](https://github.com/composer/composer) because `webmozart/json` requires a much older version of [justinrainbow/json-schema](https://github.com/justinrainbow/json-schema) (see...

When I wrote this tool, I wanted the resulting .json file to be editable by the user without breaking functionality. My reasoning for this was both for ease of use...

I would like to drop PHP 5.x support for 2.x, and maintain 1.x for 5.x. Since I would be maintaining both versions, I want 1.x to be as feature-complete as...

- Run without plugins enabled. - Record a separate example of `update` and `remove`?

InvalidAliasException, InvalidPackageException, etc.


This would be great, but not _super_ important.

help wanted

The library used for writing to `crap.json` uses `file_put_contents` without the `LOCK_EX` flag; see webmozart/json#29. I don't foresee issues unless someone purposefully tries to run multiple `crap` commands simultaneously, or...


I'm trying to use this library in a project where I was previously using Doctrine's DBAL with an SQLite database. When I attempt to write to the database I get:...