Gediminas Lelešius
Gediminas Lelešius
Try using keyboard shortcuts to adjust the speed. For me, that works on Panopto.
Yep, it uses `div:first-child` attribute to style the video stream, but vsc-controller becomes the first child when added. Not sure what a good fix for this could be. Same issue...
This happens to me too (on all firefox versions)! It makes [Google Flights]( almost unusable. Maybe a duplicate of #140 ?
Yes, I think it is abandoned. I created my own fork and merged [igrigorik/videospeed]( updates: [gediminasel/videospeed-firefox]( Mozilla Add-ons: From a few initial tests, it seems to solve #194 #140...
Hi, the original [igrigorik/videospeed]( extension is for Chrome and should work just fine. I'm not aware of any Firefox port, that's why I created mine.
Hi @Dreamer8, > Hello, could you check also this issue, please? [igrigorik/videospeed]( behaves the same on #180, report the bug there. > I miss a button to toggle actual and...
Hi, please request new features [igrigorik/videospeed]( If they add those, I'll port them to firefox extension. You can also take a look at this: [magnus-ISU/videospeed]( Might be better than my...