G. Dylan Dickerson
G. Dylan Dickerson
You need to download the data from the [Kitti website](http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_object.php?obj_benchmark=3d) and make your own data directory. Since the original paper and this repo create rectangular voxels, it would be up...
When you use a 2-d convolution, you operate on a 3-d tensor (e.g. a color image input with a certain width and height has a depth of 3 for the...
Please let me know if there's a way I could better format this! I think it could be "feature request."
@ahbanavi I don't know how helpful this might be maybe just a few keystrokes. But maybe you could add all of your Todoist-text keywords for this file to a Template...
Hi @adamrher, I can confirm that F2000climo works. I was testing the RRTMGP changes in CAM with MPAS-A, and I was able to run with F2000climo. I have not tried...
Here's one thread's content in cesm.log from a run with `DEBUG=true` ``` dec0314.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 2: ERROR: dec0314.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 2: cam_mpas_subdriver::cam_mpas_read_static: FATAL: Failed to add 2 fields to stat dec0314.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 2: ic input...
Thanks @briandobbins and @mgduda for the tips. > Is this just a problem with the IC file? It might be. I think only "atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa60_L32_notopo_coords_c230707.nc" has `cell_gradient_coef_{xy}` variables from what I...
If the issue isn't fixed, I'm not sure why it should be closed. Unless someone has regenerated the files already? @adamrher I think the issue title was fine but I...
Hi @adamrher, thanks for checking. I think this sounds reasonable, especially to add other resolutions later. Just to add some other thoughts: Other times this has come up there wasn't...