Uwe Strempel
Uwe Strempel
infer version 1.1.0 Compile under ArchLinux. Try to compile source code. [06:02:29][ 71083] Building infer models... [*ERROR**][71083] *** ERROR 'Building infer models' [*ERROR**][71083] *** command: ' make INTERACTIVE=1 -C /home/uwe/.cache/yay/infer/src/infer-1.1.0/infer/models...
Hi, Please make LineEncodings (e.g. data_rate) configurable instead of fix 9600.
Hi, Please support ST U5 series. https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32u5-series.html#cad-resources https://www.st.com/resource/en/svd/stm32u5_svd.zip
Hello, While programming the mcu there are several warnings and it fails finally. ```sh pyocd load app.elf --pack Keil.STM32H7xx_DFP.3.1.1.pack --target stm32h7b3zitx 0002763 W Page size (32768) is larger than sector...
- Fixed ram size for target H7B3 - Fixed flash size Sectory size for STM32H3B0xx is 32kbyte but for STM32H7B3xx 8kbyte - Added link for specific controller Resolves #1721