Hi, I am also facing the same issue. Were you able to solve it? Could you please direct me? Thank you for your kind help.
Hi Saehan-choi, Did you find out the answer to this? Even I need to change it.. Thank you.
Hey Hi, Were you able to solve the issue?
Hi, Thank you for the reply. Sorry for the link. Please try this link - [68 landmarks]( I wish to compare the groundtruth facial landmarks (68 landmarks) with Mediapipe's landmark...
Hi Sir, I have been thinking about it and trying manual mapping. Comparing the locations manually. Could you suggest me some other way if possible?
Hi @Cuda-Chen, do you think trying to run the dlib library on gpu can help?
Hi @tomas-gajarsky, Thank you so much for your reply. So I did export `HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1` and also, since I dont want to use docker, I tried to change the paths -...
Thanks you for your reply. There were some files which I had indeed missed out and changing those resolved the errors. I was also able to run the demo collab...
Hi @tomas-gajarsky , okay I get it now!! Thanks for your immense help and the tips!! :D About the newer version of `ImageReader` , I will give it a shot...
Hi all, just an update, I was able to go until iteration 320 without nan by following steps: 1. making the learning rate = 1e-7 2. batch size = 16...