Guillem Cucurull
Guillem Cucurull
What error are you getting?
Hi @FzuLJ @Rahul-Venugopal I implemented demo.m and generate_bbox.m in Python a while ago, you could try if it works for you:
Hi, which Python version and Caffe version are you using? This code was done two years ago, so this was tested with a Caffe build from 2 years ago, I...
I have never used NVCaffe, and I don't know if it differs from the Caffe version I was using. Do other Python layers work with NVCaffe?
Does this error happen only when you are using the Python Layer?
Thanks for noticing this, I haven't run the code since I implemented it and I was not aware of the error. The issue with the loss stuck at 1.81 is...
Hello, I just checked and the script is working, so if you don't have the JSON files you might have gotten an error. In `` you'll see the following line:...
Hello, We haven't changed those files, out script just downloads them from [here](, which is the link the authors of the dataset provide in
We have only used the Maryland Polyvore dataset from [12], not the Polyvore-outfits dataset they introduced in the paper. If I remember correclty, it wasn't released at the time.
@KevinYuk prior_boxes_ssd300.pkl are the default bounding boxes used by SSD, not the weights of the VGG part.