Ricardo Wagemaker
Ricardo Wagemaker
Hi Nelbert has it been released yet to be able to use dero-miner with specific pool?
Hello, I don't think that is the issue as it was clean rebooted and nothing else running, port 9080 is not in use. ``` $ sudo netstat -tulpen Active Internet...
Hello, Having the same issue and seems to be a overall problem as I am unable to apt install / update / upgrade as it always comes with the same...
Hello, Having the same issue and seems to cause a larger problem as I am unable to apt install / update / upgrade either as it comes with a error...
I could do with that also, started to play with graviton and could do with Size()
am I wrong but is the SDK not only C++ based? I started t write a java backup tool and planning to use MEGA as a target, the same way...