Greg Burlet

Results 13 comments of Greg Burlet

DSP guy here. I've managed to match Surge's FFT and numpy's FFT. They are not equivalent as it stands. Here are the differences: 1. Surge's FFT actually calculates the power...

> would you say our current implementation is wrong and should be fixed, or is it simply a different way of using FFT and we might want to provide a...

Hi @brett-eugenelabs, it's element-wise multiplication: same function as `vDSP_vmul` in Accelerate framework or `Surge.elmul` in Surge. Hope that helps 👍

Hi @abokhalel2, my example is just for the FFT on a single window, not an STFT. To get the STFT you would sliding window the samples and send it to...

@entibo thanks, you just saved me a lot of time.

👍 this library needs (more) documentation

@vade I unfortunately don't have time / brain bandwidth to jump into this in more detail but see above, this point specifically, which may help you understand: > Surge's FFT...

@vade I see you're contributing to an OpenAI whisper CoreML project. I like that. Find my email online and I'll share my Accelerate vDSP Mel Spectrogram code written in swift...