@henriz I altered the directly, the way it was formatting the log message (to add a timestamp) was throwing a Key exception. Now there are no exceptions but, it...
Don't know about other TVs but my Q8FN has blocked port 1900, which UPNP uses. samsungctl use UPNP to discover the TVs, this is why my TV is never found....
in in the class DebugLogger(object): approx. Line 111 ``` if msg.startswith('DEBUG*;*'): tstamp = time.strftime(r'%x %X ',time.localtime(time.time())) # this was the original line below # msg = time.strftime(msg.format('%%x %%X'), time.localtime(time.time()))...
I have a Q8, and would like get this working on mine. Be happy to try it out on my Q8. I'm a bit confuse as to which branch and...
cyclops1982, I was all excited to try this out, until I realized this wasn't python. Darn. What language is this? Go? I'll see if I can convert it to python...
Cyclops1982,, Based on your code I cobbled together a python 3.X web-client to see if I could get a token back from my Samsung Q8FN I can now get...
For some reason all the indenting for the python got removed in the post. Sorry about that.
I'm not exactly sure except when I tried connected to 8002 it always refused connection until I specified the websocket not use use SSL Certificate. e.g. sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE}. You don't...
Here's a example python that sends the KEY_MENU to the TV I know, the indentation are all gone. Somebody tell how to get them to stay. Looks fine before I...