Genevieve Brandt
Genevieve Brandt
@asalimih it looks like you're using a different tool than the original post in this thread. Could you post on the GATK forum to get help from the GATK support...
@daisyyr Thanks for posting your example here, this issue is still open so it has not been fixed yet.
@xmzhuo @twood1 we have released a fix for a very similar bug in Funcotator (#6289 ). Could you test the newest GATK version and let us know if it...
Yes, I have asked the user to upload their data for testing.
Yes, I got the data today.
The user's uploaded data is named Joyce1NebulaFuncotatorAnnotated.vcf and Joyce1NebulaFuncotatorAnnotated.vcf.idx.
Someone from my team is going to give this issue a try, we'll post any updates here.
A similar error message has been reported on the forum [here]( GATK Version: The command is: ``` gatk# ./gatk HaplotypeCallerSpark -I \ -O \ -R Ref/GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa --emit-ref-confidence...
@jamesemery @lbergelson @cmnbroad It looks like this issue is persisting in the newest GATK version. I have asked the user for a file to replicate the issue and will update...