nuclear_rng_generation2 copied to clipboard
Random Number Generator using common Geiger counter
This project permits the creation of RNG generators based on nuclear decay, interfacing a Geiger counter with audio exit to a MC. It's an evolution of my previous project you find here:
Theoretically it permits the conversion of any Geiger with audio feedback to an RNG in fact, differently from its predecessor, this appliance doesn't use exotic hardware but standard Geiger counters. A Raspberry Pico W is employed as microcontroller platform.
- A Raspberry Pico (RP2040) is employed as microcontroller platform;
- An OpAmp based circuit raises the audio signal level of the Geiger "pulses" captured using the audio jack:
Algorithm and Features:
- Two thread are in execution : one for Geiger pulses sampling, another to provide RNGs via socket;
- In the main loop, a register is cyclically increased from 0 to 15, when it reaches 15 is reset to 0. When a particle is detected, the current value is stored in queue ready to be deployed on request;
- Default queue length is 10240 bytes.
- When a socket connects to the appliance via WIFI, a message with the following format is given as response:
- You require a RN sending the message:
- Then you'll receive a RN in an answer with the following format:
- the first field is a random number in the range 0-15 or the number 16 if an error was generated or no number is available yet;
- the chosen range is 0-15 is convenient because the union of two generated random numbers represent a full random byte;
- the second field represent the original value of the register incremented in loop to extract the random number using module operator of integer division by the specific range (0-15), it's provided as safeguard to verify that the loop cover every possible value for a given event frequency;
- the separator is the character ':';
- then a field with an integer telling you how many RNs are available in the appliance buffer, ready to be requested;
- a newline ( '\n' ) ends the message.
- Example:
- You can terminate the connection with the command:
- At the moment, concurrent access is not supported (aka I don't need it for now), so, closing the connection also permits different client to connect;
- Raspberry Pi Pico SDK
- Cmake
Detailed instruction for dependencies installation are available on Raspberry website.
- Before compiling, is required to edit wifi_credential.hpp inserting Wifi SSID and password.
Installation and Use:
- compile the program as follow (set -DPICO_SDK_PATH using real pico-sdk path):
cd build
make -f makefile.srv all
- deploy the generated binary file named:
putting the Pico in "deploy mode" pushing the white button before connecting USB cable and releasing the same button a second after the connection.
- A trivial Python client example is present in "test" directory in the present software distribution.
- The number can be requested from any program able to create Berkeley sockets using the described protocol.
- 'test' directory contains test results and tools to perform the tests themselves;
- Python3 and some dependencies are required;
- Ent suit is required:
apt-get install ent
- A makefile is present, to perform the test use the following:
make -f makefile clean all
- A file with 250'000 and RNs and another file with 10'000 RNs extracted from the bigger one are provided.
- Preliminary tests gave good results:
- Ent suite:
Entropy = 7.998604 bits per byte.
Optimum compression would reduce the size
of this 125000 byte file by 0 percent.
Chi square distribution for 125000 samples is 241.57, and randomly
would exceed this value 71.76 percent of the times.
Arithmetic mean value of data bytes is 127.6767 (127.5 = random).
Monte Carlo value for Pi is 3.135794173 (error 0.18 percent).
Serial correlation coefficient is 0.002606 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).
Important Note:
Not all Geiger counters could be suitable for this application: some cheap devices could produce a programmed audio feedback, a software routine written so the device sound "good". So, if you looking for a device to make your RNG, do not purchase blindlyr: do your research;
Be sure alarm and other audio feedbacks other than the pulses are disabled or they will be translate in a sequence of non-random numbers.