
Results 6 issues of gbesler

I am wondering if anyone experiences freezing after the popup displayed in iOS 12? My app started to get frozen and no button is working when the popup is displayed....

I am having crash on iOS 12 within bottom method. I guess the video is not coming correctly. `- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context `

I have received _startValidatingAppStoreReceiptWithCompletionHandler_ error from 7 users in 2 hours that never happened before. What is going on?

I am wondering how to delete 1px gray shadow just under the scroller tool.

I have a UITableView in one of CarbonKit tabs. I am trying to swipe and delete cells but I cannot. It is swiping to another tab. How to solve that?

Hello, I am having a new error when I try to run my app with iOS 14 and XCode 12 beta 6. What might cause this and how can I...