Results 24 issues of jack.x

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`import os import time import gptcache from gptcache.processor.pre import get_prompt from gptcache.manager.factory import get_data_manager from langchain.cache import GPTCache, SQLiteCache from gptcache.manager import get_data_manager, CacheBase, VectorBase from gptcache import Cache from...

### Duplicates - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Steps to reproduce 🕹 下载0.2.0代码文件,目录下没有找到ai_settings.yaml。但是我发现项目需要这个文件 ### Current behavior 😯 _No response_ ### Expected behavior 🤔 _No response_ ### Your..."/memask") async def memask(ask: Ask, authorization: str = Header(None)): bearer = authorization.split()[0].lower() if authorization is None or bearer != 'bearer': raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="请求头authorization错误!") token = authorization.split()[1] if get_user(ask.uid)["jwt_token"] != token:...

电表连接集中器(通过376.1)连接到dg-iot电表采集通道,通过页面填写物模型配置后无法正常解析数据并展示。要如何操作? [[email protected]] dgiot_meter_tcp.erl 190 DLT376 from_dev: [[email protected]] dgiot_meter_tcp.erl 221 process_message error "pass"



### 🥰 Feature Description 能支持vllm吗? ### 🧐 Proposed Solution 能支持vllm吗? ### 📝 Additional Information _No response_

🌠 Feature Request

### 💻 Operating System Windows ### 📦 Environment Docker ### 🌐 Browser Chrome ### 🐛 Bug Description 我使用ollama导入了自定义模型,并命名为llama3cn。在lobechat中选择该模型对话时弹出提示要求下载模型 ### 🚦 Expected Behavior _No response_ ### 📷 Recurrence Steps _No response_...

🐛 Bug