Gavyn Riebau
Gavyn Riebau
I haven't (yet) updated the docs in `docs/content/main` because I think the `gen-docs.ts` script automatically does this. Please let me know if I need to manually run the script and...
Hi @Jogai, Apologies for my delayed response, I like all your ideas and would accept a PR along these lines if you raised one.
Not sure if anyone else would find this useful but expanding on the idea presented above I'd love to see something like: ```bash $ hexyl --range 78..1024 somefile.bin ```
> I wish you reached out before starting this, I have two concerns: > > * We've settled on wasmtime over wasmer. I have a wasmtime branch that implements most...
Here's a demo of the progress so far along with an explanation of what is happening: 1. In the bottom window, a call to tail the `helix.log` file is...
@CBenoit the current state of this PR is that it isn't using any codegen but that means I've had to manually write glue code for passing data back and forth...
I want to summarize some of my findings learnt while getting to this point in this PR in case it aids in the conversation regarding the plugin system implementation for...
I'd also love to see this feature added but just wanted to throw in some suggestions for how it could work: * Open picker, e.g. ~~`Ctrl + Space`~~ `Space +...
@Itay123TheKing thanks, good call on `Ctrl + Enter` which I think often toggles terminal fullscreen. I edited my comment above with the suggestion that rather than using `Ctrl + Enter`...
Ah, I see what you mean and in that case opening in the background definitely makes sense. The ability to open in the background and the "checklist" type behaviour could...