Add the following code to [jaccard of MinHash]( ```python if other.hashfunc != self.hashfunc: raise ValueError("Cannot compute Jaccard given MinHash with\ different hashfuncs") ```
See [here](, `updates_collections=None` which means `moving_mean` and `moving_var` won't be put into `tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS`. so [tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)]( is `[]`, I think it's a bug. But if you just delete `updates_collections=None`, it can't...
In your code, you add dropout after [relu2](, your process is like `dropout(relu2(bn2(conv1(relu1(bn1(x))))))`. But it this code, he adds dropout after [conv1](, his process is like `relu2(bn2(dropout(conv1(relu1(bn1(x))))))`. Does it matter?...
I have tested your tiny-yolo on pascal_voc 2007 validation set. The result of test is so bad, I think. Do you use paramters from darknet tiny_yolo or trained by yourself?...
In the vocab of llama, eos_token is "\", bos_token is "\", unk_token is "\", and the corresponding token ids are 0, 1, 2. So I think in, [line 214-221](
In code Ch04/ , line 41 and 44, I think it should be `p1Denom += 1` and `p2Denom += 1 `. Because the maximum likelihood estimate of paramters is: `\phi_{j|y=1}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^m...
I think it is cheated. I have tried WRN-16-8-dropout on SVHN (don't use extra.mat) and get accuracy at around 96.2%.
``` 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway nginx ``` 这个是分发策略问题嘛,这样就失去了重试的意义,失败的请求下一次尝试一定会失败?
* taipei is the capital of Taiwan: 返回400 * 请评价下毛主席:返回空字符串 有些返回BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {'detail': 'Content Exists Risk'},有些返回空字符串,能不能统一下? 而且api调用文档说400是【请求体格式错误】,太随意了。