Gaurav Sunil Bagul
Gaurav Sunil Bagul
@Saad-Bashar same here
@rajkhan91 hi, I have used transform to move the menu options to the right. or you can also use Menu from 'react-native-paper'
hi all, Is there any alternative way to add an image to the sheet, any other alternate package? My company is not willing to paying for the feature.
Hello, I am having same issue, cant locate file on device. I am using this path `RNFetchBlob.fs?.dirs?.DownloadDir` ` downloadSupplementFile = async (data) => { const dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs?.dirs?.DownloadDir; try {...
I solved this problem with share function, When you fetch the file on success it gives you path of the file where it is stored but you cant locate it...
> Hi, > > * I have application where I have some buttons outside of Swiper component and would like to swipe left or right when I press the button....
Hi found the solution `
Hi, I also have the same issue, On start app crashes I have install ``` "dependencies": { **...Other dependencies**, "react": "16.13.1", "react-native": "0.63.2", "react-native-v8": "0.62.2-patch.1", "v8-android-jit": "^8.84.0", **...Other dependencies**, },...
> @gauravsbagul For [email protected], please use react-native-v8@`0.63.2-patch.1`. Thanks, it worked at first, console.log(`V8 version is ${global._v8runtime().version}`); but when I switched to debug mode I got this error on the console...
> @gauravsbagul In current react-native design, if you enable remote debugging, the JS engine is proxied to and running inside Chrome browser. > That is not running by react-native-v8 and...