
Results 24 comments of CG.gatspy

`:execute g:_uspy 'print(UltiSnips_Manager._buffer_filetypes['.bufnr('%').'])'` show results`['python', 'all']` . `au FileType python set ft=python.django` `au FileType html set ft=htmldjango.html` add this settings in virmc, ultisnipts work fine, but django-plus autocomplete can't working....

you are so cool! your dotfiles so profound, i cannot make heads or tails of it. Why not consider creating a awesome lightweight dotfiles repo.

yeah, i just stay at the level of use. your way is suitable for study and research, is too esoteric.

electron-vue中 electron的版本怎么还是2呢?



Solution: [Xcode 10 Error: Multiple commands produce](

改了maxSize, 数据经常读取乱的.

big sur 11.4. 浏览器任务管理器看到gpu进程占用80+, 风扇呼呼响。