Neil Sant Gat

Results 5 comments of Neil Sant Gat

@huangpf just tried again (this time with version 0.10.3), and still seeing this behavior (so not transient, unless I'm just really unlucky ;)): ![image](

Updated to 0.10.4; succeeded in uksouth but failed in all other regions I tried (list below): eastasia southeastasia centralus eastus eastus2 westus northcentralus southcentralus northeurope westeurope japanwest japaneast brazilsouth

tmp/nsgvmss595.json: ``` {"username": "negat", "autoscaleDefault": "1", "scaleOutInterval": "1", "vmSku": "Standard_D1_v2", "authenticationType": "password", "autoscaleMin": "1", "vmssName": "nsgvmss595", "pipName": "pip", "image": "Ubuntu16.04.0-LTS", "pipLabel": "nsgvmss595", "baseUrl": "", "scaleOutCPUPercentageThreshold": "75", "instanceCount": 2, "autoscaleYesOrNo": "No",...

Interesting. It seems I'm pointing to a schema that doesn't exist! My bad. Can we add a check for this so the error can be more clear?

The error presists even when I update the schema to point at an existing one. I think the error actually comes about when the parameters file isn't in the expected...