If I remove the .HasDefaultValueSql line ``` entity.Property(e => e.AddressTrusted) .HasColumnName("address_trusted"); //.HasDefaultValueSql("((1))"); ``` the trace shows ``` INSERT INTO [applicant_address] ([address_country], [address_line_1], [address_line_2], [address_line_3], [address_post_code], [address_provice_or_state], [address_towncity], [address_trusted]) VALUES (@p0,...
Thanks for the reply, I had just come to the same conclusion myself. It needs a nullable type to work as expected Instead however... So I have removed the HasDefaultValueSQL...
I have an issue with inline styles using MTCaptcha in an IFrame. I am getting loads of errors from the browser, refused to allow inline style I can specify unsafe-inline...