Daniel Gonzalez Gasull

Results 7 comments of Daniel Gonzalez Gasull

> in R4.0_rc4, for at least one (electron-based) app using a debian-9 template, running the following command in a terminal before launching the app did the trick: > > ```...

> put your executable shell script in `/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/` This didn't work. > you could also put `Xft.dpi: 144` in a Xresources file and run `xrdb -merge /path/to/Xresources` in a shell...

@yourduskquibbles wrote: > @gasull I installed latest firefox ESR and it looks like this doesn't even use uBO Legacy, I think the version of uBO you are running is just...

Thank you, @yourduskquibbles. I'll look into the possible Debian packaging issue and report it if needed. The latest filters still hide the sidebar for me, but maybe it's my uBlock...

Replying to myself in case someone lands here from a search: I found that the [bug was reported to Debian maintainers](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=972584) over a month ago. > I found what is...

Electrum could use a sensible default. E.g. what's the most common type of address nowadays? Taproot? Then the estimation fee could say in a tooltip "assuming p2tr type of address"....

If after entering the recipient address the fee is changed, there should be a warning, specially if this changes the amount sent after subtracting the fee. And the new fee...